Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I haven't rirdden in over a week!!!  Cartman's leg is almost healed up, so as soon as we get back in town on Sunday we'll be back at it. 

Last week I tried to take Dazzby out to do some trail clearing.  She was OK for about 1/2 hour and then became very agitated.  Tail swishing, head wringing, and basically being pissy.  I was riding with Flo and P who have both ridden with Dazz before, we all agreed- she was not herself.  I can only conclude that she is still in some pain when asked to work.  We are continuing on with the Steadfast supplements and I will give her another try at a later date.  She is not "lame", but just isn't her old self right now. 

Todd and I have decided that if we want to enjoy some hot August nights we're going to have to go Reno- its still sweatshirt and jeans weather in the mold state.  So, we are off Thursday  morning and will return Sunday night.  Wish me luck, if we hit the big one at the casino I will be sending for my horses! 

Here are some random pics from the last few weeks.

Cartman's wound

Off to clear trail

Doing pretty good still

Later, looking upset.

part of new trail, creek crossing

heading back

Flo and Hotshot watch P hang a new sign

What I want- a 1953 Studebaker Starliner

Chehalis car show had a great band, they played Johnny Cash!
Party truck...... oh I guess that's the gas tank.

This one matches my hair!

Just for you Aarene, in case you ever need some more horsepower!

One very, very nice car
Annabelle wins a prize!

Todd thinks this rat rod fits me.

This cool duo contains a whole kitchen, awesome campin' van!
They're killin' me- again, what I want!

What I can afford, a rat rod skateboard :)


AareneX said...

Love the purple car!!!

CG said...

I thought of you and Fiddle when I saw it :)

HHmstead said...

Anabelle won a Prize! That should be a post in itself! Love the stream crossing photo! It that a more recent wound photo? Or old one?

CG said...

Hey Connie! I've been enjoying your blog, but blogger won't let me comment on there anymore- I just
get the login screen over and over again.
That pic of Cartman is from a week ago, its finally got a scab now and looks pretty good. I'm anxious to get back to riding him next week. Are you planning on going to anymore rides this season?
I'm planning on taking C. to the Bare Bones ride, just doing trail ride though.